Consuting Services - NPI Project Management - Error Proofing - Sorting Services

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Company Background - Services - Products

Optocontrol Industrial

Business Optimization

Duns certified - 1998

Division: Error Proofing Systems and Inspection equipment

Division: Business Optimization - Project Management

Consulting Services  & Coaching



"Optical Technology - Testing and Assurance Techniques"

Inspection Machines and Error Proofing Systems


General Motors Engine Plant - Thread Count and Analyzer - Patented Electronic Eye

MAGNA Intieriors - Developed Onstar and Headliner Electric Testers

Quimmco Machining - High Cleaning Production Parts Washer Machine

Engicom Camshafts - Automatic High Precision micrometer inspection and Tapped Thread Analyzer - Patented Electronic Eye

Macimex Crankshafts - Multi Tapp Thread Analyzer



Project Management Implementations, Continuous Improvement and Risk Mitigation "0" Reoccurrence


Chrysler Saltillo Engine Plant - 1250 Eng/hr - Detroit USA / Saltillo Mexico

General Motors Company - 1600 Eng/hr - Detroit USA / Ramos Arizpe Complex  Mexico

Oxford Automotive - General Motors - Car floor welding Outsource New Facility Launch - USA / Saltillo Mexico

Mannessman Sachs - Automatic Transmission Torque Converters - Germany / USA / Saltillo Mexico

Nemak Corporation - Foundry and First Machining Facility Launch - Monterrey / Mexico / USA

Southwest Gas - City Gas Distribuition - Tucson Arizona USA

Caid Industries - Oil and Military - Tucson Arizona USA

Sargent Aerospace - Military - Tucson Arizona USA

BE Aerospace - Rockwell Collings - Super First Class Suites - New Etihad Airplane - Tucson Arizona USA

Honeywell Aerospace - Commercial and Militart Aircraft Engine Controllers - Oro Valley Arizona USA

Roche - Ventana Medical Systems - Cancer Diagnostics Equipment NPI and Supply Management - Oro Valley Arizona USA

Caterpillar - 350 Ton Mining Trucks - Engineering and Field Support - Tucson Arizona USA


Tapped Holes - Thread count with Signature Analysis Probe with Automatic Micrometer Accuracy Gages


Sustainable Energy / Electrical Vehicle / Energy Management

Ideas - Development - Prototype - Optical Solutions - Energy Storage and Transportation

ENERGY DIVISION - Website Section Under Development



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